Sunday, July 10, 2011


FRUIT  TRIFLE:                 EUROPE
INGREDIENTS:          ( serves 4 )

700  ml milk
300  ml cream
250  g sugar
3  eggs
3  egg yolks
1  vanilla bean
Dash of vanilla essence
50  g corn flour
25  g butter

  • To bake the vanilla sponge,  whisk up the eggs and sugar with the vanilla essence until light and fluffy.  Gently fold in the flour, alternating with a little bit of butter. Put in a medium- sized mould of your choice and bake at 170C for 15- 20 minutes. Leave  to cool  and cut in small cubes.
  • To make the custard, boil the milk and cream with half the amount of sugar and the vanilla bean. Whisk the egg yolks and corn flour together in a bowl. When the milk comes to a boil add some of the hot milk to the egg mixture.  pour the egg mixture into the milk and cool on low heat until it thickens and begins to bubble. Remove from the heat and allow it to cool down.
  • Cut the sponge into small cubes and place in a bowl or small cups. Pour the custard on top of the sponge and ensure to cover it. Decorate with assorted cut fruits like strawberries, blueberries, mango, kiwi, raspberries or blackberries.
TIPS : A layered  desserts that began as a European confection, which was made in England. Typically, the trifle was made and delicately placed in a glass pedestal  bowl, providing a distinctive way for diners to visually appreciate the layered appearance.

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